Sunday, November 3, 2013

Second Generation Computers (1955 – 1960)

mrs.Klfha fojk mrïmrdj (1955 – 1960)

fuysos ia;+;sjka; úh hq;af;a fojk mrmqf¾ mrs.Kl fj; meñKs wNskj ksmoSula jq g%dkaisiag¾ (Transistors ) j,gh' mrs.Klfha uq,a mrmqrg jvd  g%dkaisiag¾ mrs.Kl i|y  jeh jqfha wvq ú¥,s m%udKhls" ksmojqfha wvq Wiak;jhls tfiau úYd,;ajfhk o l=vdh kuq;a wo ;;ajhg wkqj tjd b;d úYd,h'


m,uq g%dkaisiag¾ mrs.Klh ksmojQfha 1953 oS uekafpiag¾ úYaj úoHd,fha oSh' jevsfhkau ckms%h jQ g%dkaisiag¾ mrs.Klh jQfha IBM 1401 kï mrs.Klhhs' ta

1956 oS m%:u ;eá Odjlh ksmo jQfha o IBM uÕsks" tkï IBM 350 RAMAC h'


kj;u oDV ;eáfha mQfrda.dñhd jQfha IBM 350 ;eá f.dkqjhs' tfiu fïh y¥kajd ¥kafka 1956 fha os IBM 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) iu.hs' fuys mshd jQfha frfkd,aâ fcdkaikah Tyq IBM ys oS¾>ld,Sk fiajlhl+ jQ w;r oÌ ksmhqñ lrefjla jQjd fukau Tyq mrs.Klfha mQfrda.dñhd o úh'  


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